Monday, February 6, 2012

Mike Maihack's Cleopatra in Spaaaace! . . . . . . and, of course, her ray gun!

I am rather fond of any fictional character who packs a cool ray gun and knows how to use it. This character in particular has found a special place in my heart not only for being an unlikely and fascinating space adventurer to begin with, but also for being the delightfully entertaining creation of a very prolific and talented artist I have the pleasure of working with every day, Mr. Mike Maihack. -- All the action can be found here at Mike's web site:
The operating concept behind the ray guns of Mike's vision of the future involve an energy release in the rear of the device, which courses rapidly through the body, increasing exponentially in magnitude until it hits the emitter rod at the tip, and ZZZAAAPP!! I don't even know the model name of this fictional weapon, but I naturally felt compelled by its coolness to build a prop replica of it, complete with accurate details and realistic heft. This is one I made pretty much from scratch, modeling components completely from Sculpy poly clay, progressively sanding the finish, applying hot glue assembly, masking and spray painting and detailing.


  1. Hi! I found your blog from the link on Cleopatra in Space. Just want to say I love retro science fiction, and I think you've made some pretty cool stuff.

    1. Why Thanks!
      -- and tell your friends about my gallery too!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Also saw this piece on CIS.You did a very good modeling job with this ray gun. I like your gallery as stuff.

    Check out my ray gun blog; let me know what you think:

    Also a link in my profile.
